№9 Administrivia

The year in numbers.

It's been a busy few days at Photographic Dispatches, working on what's next for this project. As discussed in issue №8, plans were formed to reconfigure the newsletter.

№8 Reconfiguring
Making some changes for the new year

I'm pleased with the progress on that front. The newsletter is now hosted on Ghost.org, and all subscribers were successfully moved to this new home. This move should also be entirely transparent for paid subscribers. The only difference is that I'm pocketing 10% more of your generous contributions to this project moving forward.

Fieldwork will resume in the coming days. There is also a collaboration in the works that I want to talk about soon.

Thank you for your support. Please consider supporting this newsletter by passing it on to a friend (there is no longer a like button). I’d surely appreciate it.

2024 Retrospective

The year that was in terms of this project. Some light statistics:

The project started on October 1st.
The first newsletter went out to 7 subscribers on October 10th.
Number of subscribers at the end of the year: 115.
Number of newsletters sent: 8.
Number of postal mail pieces sent: 7.
Open call submissions: 1.
Miles driven: 2,525.
Post Offices visited: 55.
Total expenses: ~$1,200.

2024 Favorites

Nine of my favorites from this work.